Follow standard installation procedures described in Magento 2 documentation.
Please make sure you test installation and configuration on a staging site identical to your production site. Test integration with AlphaBank payment gateway using test credentials provided by your bank. Once everything is tested and there are no conflicts, only then proceed with installation on your production site.
To configure the payment gateway, navigate to Stores->Configuration in the back end of your site. Then expand Sales and select Payment Methods on the left pane. Scroll down and expand “AlphaBank e-Commerce”. The settings are arranged in 4 sections: Credit Cards, MasterPass, Common Settings and Show installments estimate in product page. If you have a multi-site/multi-store setup you can configure common options in “Default” Store View, then provide store specific options (e.g. credentials) in each store view as required. AlphaBank requires that credit card payment and MasterPass payment appear as separate payment methods. However, when the user selects credit card payment and is redirected to AlphaBank’s secure payment page, he is still offered the option to pay using MasterPass. On the other hand, selecting MasterPass will bypass the credit card selection step and directly show the MasterPass dialog. Using this extension, you can configure credit card payment and MasterPass to appear as a single or separate payment methods.
Credit Cards
In this section you can configure the credit card payment method. The following options are available:

- Enabled: Set to Yes to enable the payment method.
- Title: Type the payment method title to display on the checkout page.
- Description: Type the payment method description to display on the checkout page. You may enter additional instructions for the customer if necessary (e.g. explain that the browser will be redirected to AlphaBank’s website and that no sensitive information will ever be transmitted to your site). If necessary, you may provide translated / different versions of Title and Description per store view to accommodate for different languages / audience.
- Sort order: The order in which this payment method will be displayed on the checkout page.
- Logo: You can upload a logo (typically the logos of the supported credit cards) that will appear on the left of the payment method title. The image should already have the correct dimensions as the extension will not try resize it. Typical dimensions are 160px x 50px but it will depend on the aspect ratio of the logo and the dimensions of other logos in your theme.
In this section you can configure the MasterPass payment method. This payment method, if enabled, will direct AlphaBank to skip the credit card selection step and directly open the MasterPass login/signup dialog. It has the same options as the credit card payment method:

You can enable only one or both of the two payment methods depending on your requirements.
Common Settings
In this section you can configure the options that are common to both payment methods.

If you have a multi-site/multi-store setup you can configure common options in “Default” Store View, then provide store specific options (e.g. credentials) in each store view as required. The following configuration options are available:
- Gateway Url: By default this is already filled in with the correct URL for the production version of AlphaBank’s payment processor. Should in the future AlphaBank change the URL, you can enter it here without a need for an updated version of the extension.
- Merchant ID: The merchant Id as provided to you by AlphaBank during sign up to the service. This is the one to be used for production (real) payments.
- Secret Key: The secret key as provided to you by AlphaBank during sign up to the service. This is the one to be used for production (real) payments.
- Debug: Set to Yes to write additional debug information in the logs. Useful during testing.
- Test Mode: Set to Yes to enable test mode. In test mode, the gateway uses test credentials and URL for payments (see below).
- Test Gateway Url / Test Merchant ID / Test Secret Key: Provide the credentials and URL to use during test mode. Having separate settings for Test Credentials and URL allows rapid switching between test and production mode. Note: Test Gateway Url defaults to the current URL of the test payment processor, but can be changed as necessary. Please make sure you do not use the production URL here.
- Test cart total scale: Allows you to scale down (or up) the cart total by the specified factor. AlphaBank imposes a limitation during testing that all transactions are less than 1 EUR. Transactions over 1 EUR are automatically rejected. The cart total will be multiplied by the factor specified here before being sent to AlphaBank. The order total will not be affected – only the amount charged on the credit card will be changed. Modify this according to your average product prices and testing requirements. E.g. to scale down the amount by a factor of 100 enter 0.01. In this case an order with a total amount of 87.00 EUR will be sent as 0.87 EUR.
- Transaction Type: Select the type of transaction you want to perform during checkout. There are two options:
- Authorize: Perform only PREAUTH on the card. The merchant needs to complete the sale by logging in AlphaBank’s backend and performing a CAPTURE manually when appropriate (e.g. when order is invoiced and shipped). It is not possible for Magento to automatically perform the CAPTURE when using the redirect method. Money is transferred to the merchant’s account when CAPTURE is performed.
- Sale: Perform PREAUTH and CAPTURE at the same time. Money is transferred to the merchant’s account immediately (at the time of checkout). There is no need for manual intervention through AlphaBank’s backend.
- Installments: If installments should be available, provide an appropriate configuration string here. The installments configuration string describes the number of available installments depending on the cart total amount. It is composed of one or more rules separated by semicolon (;).
Each rule has the format: amount:installment period. Amount is the minimum cart total amount required for the installment period to be applicable. Installment period is specified in months.
For example, given the configuration string “100:3;200:6;200:9;500:12” the following will apply:- for amounts below 100 no installments are available,
- for amounts between 100 and 200 only 3-month installments are available,
- for amounts between 200 and 500 installments are available for 3,6 or 9 months,
- for amounts of 500 and above installments are available for 3,6, 9 or 12 months.

- Payment From Applicable Countries / Payment From Specific Countries: Allows limiting the availability of this payment method to specific or all applicable countries.
- Automatic Invoice: Set to Yes to automatically issue an invoice after successful payment.
- Email Customer: Set to Yes to automatically notify the customer upon successful payment.
- Sort order: The order in which this payment method will be displayed on the checkout page.
Show installments estimate in product page
There is an option to show on the product page an estimate of the installments available, below the product price. The available installments are determined based on the final price of the product, assuming purchase of a single item of the product and not taking into account any cart discounts and/or shipping costs. To show this estimate set Enabled in Show installments estimate in product page to Yes: