Fix redirect to empty cart after successful payment

There have been a number of reports of an issue with payments using the redirect method in Magento. If your site is affected by the issue you will notice the following:

  • After successful payment customer is redirected to an empty cart instead of the success page
  • After a failed or cancelled payment the customer is correctly redirected back to their cart but the cart is empty
  • A registered customer may be logged out after a payment (successful or not)
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Setting up AlphaBank Payment Gateway on Magento 2.2.x

We have had a few requests to run AlphaBank Payment Gateway on Magento 2.2.x sites. While Magento 2.2.x is now EOL and we cannot officially support running our extensions on this version, we understand that upgrading to 2.3.x may take some time. To help store owners still on 2.2.x have a working solution until they finally upgrade we have fixed all compatibility issues in our latest version (1.1.2) except on. Unfortunately this last issue requires us to publish a separate release of our extension specifically for 2.2.x which Magento Marketplace will not allow us to do.

Continue reading “Setting up AlphaBank Payment Gateway on Magento 2.2.x”