SpamGone for Magento 2

SpamGone extension will stop spam-bots from making fake customer registrations on your store. There are many spam-bots that take advantage of Magento’s customer registration form to send spam messages (to arbitrary emails, not just your customers). These spam-bots not only place unnecessary load on your server(s) consuming resources and filling your customer database with garbage, but they also hurt your domain’s reputation leading to lower transactional email deliverability.

Until now the only way to protect your registration form from spammers was using some form of CAPTCHA. But regular (built-in) CAPTCHA is no longer effective as bots have become smart enough to bypass it and reCAPTCHA has GDPR implications as it collects personal information and its use requires getting consent from the users/visitors. 

This extension will block registrations that contain any of the configured blacklisted keywords. Alternatively, you can use regular expressions to match more complex sets of patterns that simple keyword lists cannot match. For example, you can configure the extension to block any registration containing a URL in one of the fields. When a spam registration is detected a configurable error message will be returned and the attempt will be logged in system logs. Note that this extension will work with frontend and backend registrations and even with 3rd party extensions. It also does not rely on the email domain to detect spam resulting in zero false positives.


  • Easy installation/configuration. By default, it will block most spam bots, especially the very common ones
  • Identify spam registrations using keyword list or regular expressions
  • Block spam registrations no matter which channel they arrive in (frontend, API, backend or 3rd party plugin)
  • Configurable error message (can be used to provide translated message in each store view)
  • Zero false positives. Will never block legitimate customers
  • GDPR friendly – no personal information collected